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NCGA has failed North Carolina again

​So, the NCGA has failed North Carolina again, despite the valiant efforts of some (Chris Sgro), the Republican members simply hold too strongly to hatred and their own self interest to put an end to this hateful, costly, federally unlawful bill to rest.  They continue to refer to the transgender community as “Grown men” and “boys who think they are girls”, completely ignoring transmen, and refusing to acknowledge what the DSM has stated for many years: transgender is not a mental illness, it is not a delusion, it is not “boys who think they are girls”, it is people who were born in a body that fits in one social group while their brain, their identity, their Id and Ego, fit into another.  This sort of conflict isn’t limited to transgender, but only in the situation of transgender people does it cause this level of distress.  Because our society is so focussed on gender roles, expectations, and normalities, transgender people are devalued, dehumanized, hated, insulted, beaten, killed, isolated, driven to suicide, and targeted by bigoted, closed-minded, ignorant politicians who have some deep-set self-hatred that drives them to lash out at others.  Have you not noticed that those politicians and religious figures who hold the most blood-lust about something end up fitting within whatever that “something” is?  Screaming and damning homosexuality: turn out to be gay.  Refusing to see logic when “protecting women and children from grown men in the restroom”: turn out to be rapists and child molesters.  I am not accusing anyone of raping/molesting anyone, but I am saying that I study history for a reason, history repeats itself and history shows this to be infallibly true.
Love yourself, be your authentic self, and know that the world will continue to turn, goodness wins, evil loses, and God loves us.

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